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Committed to providing athletic support for youth sports and organizations.

Athletes | Coaches | Teams | Sports

A Good & Perfect Gifts International Auxiliary Organization.

A.C.T.S. is an organization Divinely designed to support athletes who otherwise would not be able to participate in sport due to financial or other restraint, coaches and teams with specific needs in order to compete, and sports organizations who want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. We believe sport and the act of supporting the betterment of young athletes can change lives.

Making Dreams of Young Athletes Come True.


Become a Part of ACTS

As we launch and grow, ACTS will be partnering with donors and sports organizations around the country to give more and more youth who are financially disadvantaged, the opportunity to participate as an athlete. We are a family passionate about sports. Our vision is long game and sound - to ensure that within our capacity, financial restraints or lack of solid relationships are never a hindrance to sports participation and enrichment. We believe that a financial struggles of hard working families or disadvantaged youth should never keep them from fulfilling their athletic ability and experience. 

Founder and Coach


Lifelong sports lover, athlete, and career coach, Jimmy Lincoln and his wife, Jera Lincoln are the founders of ACTS Organization. Genuinely passionate for youth and young adult sports, the Lincoln's wanted a place where people, organizations, and companies could donate to provide financial and networking support for athletes, coaches and teams in a position of need. This new endeavor is truly an act of the heart!

*If you would like to be a part of what God is doing through ACTS Organization, you can make a tax deductible gift here.
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